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2025 - 2024
(2024.12.)Year-end and farewell dinner for our group's graduate Jeong Min
Farewell to Jeong Min
Farewell to Yunseo and Youngseo
(2024.10.) Jeong Min receives Best Poster Award from PSK, Congrats!
@Busan, Korea
(2024.10.) Seongeun receives Best Presentation Award from PSK, Congrats!
@Busan, Korea
(2024.10.) 추계 한국고분자학회 학술대회 (PSK conference)
@Busan, Korea
(2024.10.) 추계 한국고분자학회 학술대회 (PSK conference)
@Busan, Korea
Summer lab retreat (MT)
@Gapyeong valleys
Summer lab retreat (MT)
@Gapyeong valleys
Farewell to Eunyeong
(2024.06.) Farewell lunch for our group's graduate Eunyeong
Farewell to Chanmin
(2024.06.) Secret Santa from Thailand
(2024. 05.) Group participation in Korea-India joint workshop
(2024. 05.) KIST annual picnic
Cherry blossom team picnic
@KIST pond
(2024.04.) Dr. Kim is named KIST Young Fellow
(2024.04.) Dr. Kim is named KIST Young Fellow
(2024.04.) Dr. Kim is named KIST Young Fellow
(2024.04.) Dr. Kim is named KIST Young Fellow
Farewell to Seung Hee
(2024.02.) Farewell lunch for our group's graduate Seung-Hee
(2024.02.) Seung Hee's graduation ceremony
@Korea University, Seoul
(2024.01.) Bowling day
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